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Best Time to Visit Rwanda Gorillas | Gorilla Trek 2024

The best time to visit Rwanda gorillas for thrilling outdoor adventures is often during the dry seasons, which range from June to September and from December to February.

Best time to Visit Rwanda gorillas

However, It is important to note that Rwanda is open for a gorilla trekking adventurous activities all year round  because mountain gorillas can be tracked any time, a change in climate never affects their movements with in the habitats.

Although we are going to be discussing with you the pros and cons  that comes with visiting in a particular season, the best time to visit Rwanda gorillas will still depend on your preferences for weather, trail conditions and traffic.  

According to our experience the best time to visit Volcanoes National Park gorillas is immediately after the rainy seasons when the grazing fields and forests are still covered in a fresh green vegetation and during the dry season when there is little or no rainfall at all.

But most times, the two seasons are very unpredictable as you will find it hard to know the ending and the beginning of another season but at the end of the day, all you need is to embark on a thrilling gorilla trekking experience in Rwanda, no matter the travel season.

Understanding Rwanda’s Climate for a perfect gorilla trek

Rwanda is characterized with relatively stable temperatures  throughout the year because of it’s high altitudes featured with two wet seasons and two dry seasons, with the shortest dry season ranging from December to February, long dry seasons from June to September, short wet seasons from march to may and long wet seasons from October to November.

Best Time to visit Rwanda Gorillas

Best time for Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda

Gorilla trekking during Dry seasons

June to September: peak seasons

The long dry season of Rwanda ranging from June to September is considered as one of the best time to go gorilla trekking in Volcanoes National Park gorillas for a perfect an unforgettable gorilla trekking experience.

This season is characterized with  a relatively dry climate which makes the gorilla trails very convenient for tracking as they are not muddy, flooded or slippery.

It also coincides with the peak travel season of Rwanda coming with tourist traffic at popular destinations like volcanoes national park therefore travelers are advised to book their Rwanda gorilla trekking permits, accommodations and a car rental service in advance.

December to February;

The short dry seasons of Rwanda ranging from December to February, characterized with very little or no rainfall are another perfect time for a gorilla trekking experience in the volcanoes as the dry weather favors the hiking experience .

The gorilla trails are relatively dry making each region of the park very accessible. Short dry seasons also comes with very small traffic at the park compared to that of long dry season ensuring you availability of a gorilla permits, accommodation and a car rental service.

Mountain Gorilla Behaviour during the Dry Seasons

During the dry seasons, mountain gorillas tend to move to higher altitudes in search of food, as vegetation becomes scarcer at lower elevations.

They travel more frequently and cover longer distances to find enough food, particularly bamboo shoots, fruits, and leaves. The dry weather allows them to build simpler nests, often on the ground, and they may rest more due to the higher temperatures.

Social interactions, such as grooming and playing, are more common during this time as groups are less affected by rain and cold. Overall, their behavior reflects the need to adapt to changing food availability and conditions.

Gorilla Trekking during Wet seasons

March to May: Longest Wet Season

This season is characterized with very heavy rainfalls which make the gorilla trails inaccessible as they get flooded, muddy and slippery which makes them very challenging to hike.  

However, these seasons come with an excellent photo shoot for these primates as the rainforest is at its most lush, very vibrant offering a stunning backdrop for photography.

Additionally, mountain gorillas tend to keep at low altitudes during wet seasons  making tracking them much easier and faster. Another benefit is that permits ,lodges and car rentals are ever readily available  often at a discounted price.

October to November; short wet seasons

This season receives moderate rainfalls compared to the long wet season.  Although the gorilla trails can still be muddy and slippery, they are always manageable and forest remains at its most lush green, looking very beautiful for photography of these primate species.

It also comes with fewer traffic, better permit, lodge and car rental costs all offered at potential discounts.

Mountain Gorilla Behaviors during the Wet seasons

During the wet seasons, mountain gorillas tend to stay at lower altitudes to avoid cold and damp conditions. They reduce their movement to conserve energy, staying closer to their food sources, which become more abundant due to increased plant growth.

The rain-soaked vegetation provides plenty of fresh leaves, stems, and fruits, so gorillas spend more time foraging and less time traveling.

They also build sturdier nests on the ground or in trees to cope with the wet conditions. While gorillas remain social, they might huddle together more frequently for warmth and protection from the rain.

Other factors to put into considerations

Vegetation and visibility; the dense of vegetation in the gorilla habitats varies according to seasons affecting visibility during gorilla tracking. Dry seasons are characterized with undergrowth, less dense vegetation providing trackers with better view  of gorilla as they are going on with their daily routines in their habitats.

While the wet seasons come with very dense lush vegetation which can abstract viewing but creating a more desirable picturesque setting.


Temperatures in volcanoes national park are relatively constant through out the year, with day time temperatures ranging from 10oC-180C. High altitudes are always very cool most especially in the morning and evening , therefore it is important that you dress on layers when going for a trek so that you can easily shed off or alternate them according to the temperature changes.

Crowds and Permit Availability

Peak travel seasons come with high demands from gorilla trekking permits  therefore to secure your permit during these seasons,  you are advised to book months in advance directly from the head offices of Rwanda Development Board or though a licensed tourist operator.

Travelling during the wet months  will not only offer you discounts on readily available gorilla permits, but also potential discounts on accommodations and car rental services.

Gorilla trekking Gear to put into Considerations

When preparing for gorilla trekking, it’s important to have the right gear to ensure both comfort and safety in the rainforest environment. Here’s a list of essential items to take:

  1. Hiking Boots: Sturdy, waterproof, and with good grip for navigating muddy and steep trails.
  2. Long-Sleeved Shirt and Trousers: Protects against insect bites and thorny bushes.
  3. Gaiters: To protect your legs and boots from mud, water, and insects.
  4. Rain Jacket/Poncho: The rainforest can be unpredictable, so waterproof gear is a must.
  5. Gloves: Lightweight gloves can help protect your hands from thorns and offer grip when grabbing onto vines or branches.
  6. Hat: A wide-brimmed hat or cap for sun protection and rain.
  7. Sunscreen: Even though you’re in a forest, parts of the trek may expose you to sunlight.
  8. Insect Repellent: Essential for preventing insect bites.
  9. Water Bottle/Hydration Pack: Staying hydrated is important, especially during strenuous hikes.
  10. Snacks: Energy bars or snacks to refuel during breaks.
  11. Camera/Smartphone with Extra Batteries: To capture memories of the gorillas, though flash photography is not allowed.
  12. Binoculars: Optional but useful for spotting other wildlife in the area.
  13. Walking Stick: Provided by many trekking operators, but you can bring your own for extra stability.
  14. Small Backpack: To carry all your essentials comfortably.
  15. First Aid Kit: Including any personal medication you may need.

Having these items will help ensure you’re well-prepared for the varying conditions you’ll encounter during a gorilla trekking expedition.

Mountain gorilla photography tips during the wet seasons

Here are some tips for photographing gorillas during the rainy season:

  • Consider using weatherproof gear. Whether trekking in the dry or rainy seasons, waterproof rain gear is essential to protect your valuable items, such as cameras and phones, from moisture.
  • Bring a Sturdy Tripod: A tripod can help stabilize your shots in low light conditions, which are common during rainy days.
  • Choose the Right Lens: A lens with a wide aperture (e.g., f/2.8) can capture more light, making it easier to shoot in the dim conditions often associated with the rainy season.
  • Be Mindful of the Background: While the rainy season can enhance colors, it can also create busy backgrounds. Look for clean backgrounds to ensure stunning photography.
  • Take advantage of the rain and Capture those gorilla Moods. Rain can also create dramatic effects, such as mist and raindrops, adding atmosphere to your photos.
  • Adjust Your ISO Settings; Increase your ISO to compensate for lower light levels, but be cautious of noise.
  • Take Advantage of Natural Light; Look for opportunities to use diffused light from the clouds, which can create soft and flattering conditions.
  • Be Patient; Rain can make gorillas less active requiring you to Wait quietly for the right moments to capture intimate behaviors.
  • Dress Appropriately, Wear waterproof, warm clothing and sturdy boots to stay comfortable and have yourself focused on photography.
  • Plan for Short Sessions; Rainy conditions may limit your time outdoors. Be prepared for shorter photography sessions.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your gorilla photography experience during the rainy season.

Best tours to see gorillas in Rwanda

Go Gorilla trekking Rwanda with our best Rwanda Gorilla Tours among which include;

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